Matteo Calafà

Matteo Calafà

Research assistant at Aarhus University

Mar 2024 - In progress

Physics-Informed Holomorphic Neural Networks (PIHNNs): Solving Linear Elasticity Problems

  • Currently doing research at Aarhus University (Denmark), Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering.
  • We propose a new type of physics-informed neural network to efficiently solve the linear elasticity equations through an ad-hoc complex-valued architecture.
  • A first article is already available.

Oct 2023 - Feb 2024

Software development of IVM


  • Work carried out at Microstudio S.R.L. (Italy), department of Research and Development.
  • Implementation of analytical and computer vision methods for the 3D reconstruction of torsion springs from a sequence of images.
  • The IVM machine, recently announced to the public, provides a cutting-edge technology for the 3D measuring of torsion springs and bent wires of any shape.

Mar 2023 - Jun 2023

Modeling and analysis of the FoCS-2 Swiss fountain atomic clock

  • Master thesis project at METAS (Bern, Switzerland), Time and Frequency laboratory.
  • FEM calculations of the background pressure in the FoCS-2 atomic clock.
  • Modeling of collisions between caesium and background atoms and the resulting role to the background pressure frequency shift.
  • Exploration of optimal designs to reduce the background pressure shift.

Sep 2022 - Feb 2023

Enhanced Runge-Kutta Discontinuous Galerkin Method for Ultrasound Propagation in Transit-Time Flow Meters


  • Research carried out during the internship at Kamstrup A/S (Denmark), department of Quality and Sustainability.
  • Investigation and FreeFem implementation of a new and efficient DG method to obtain accurate simulations of the ultrasound propagations inside the Kamstrup flow meters.
  • The method can work with millions of degrees of freedom and it then allows to obtain an in-depth analysis of the dynamics inside the Kamstrup products.
  • This work has been followed by an arXiv preprint.

Sept 2021 - Aug 2022

DUBeat: a C++ library for high order discontinuous Galerkin methods and applications to cardiac electrophysiology


  • Project for the course of Advanced Programming for Scientific Computing.
  • A C++ header library which exploits lifex and deal.II to solve differential problems using the high-order discontinuous Galerkin method with Dubiner basis.
  • Applications to electrophysiology including the monodomain problem with different ionic models.
  • This work has been followed by an arXiv preprint.

Feb 2022 - Jun 2022

Solving PDEs with log-normal random field coefficients


  • Research project in collaboration with the CSQI chair of EPFL (prof. Fabio Nobile).
  • Development of a method to solve diffusion equations with stochastic diffusion parameters.
  • Research of error bounds for both the stochastic and finite element discretizations.

Apr 2022 - May 2022

Noise2Noise and Manual Implementation of a ConvNet


  • Project for the course of Deep Learning.
  • Definition of an efficient and performant ConvNet for a Noise2Noise model.
  • Manual implementation of a ConvNet with forward and backpropagation algorithms.

Apr 2022 - May 2022

Statistics of Turbulence and the Onset of Chaos


  • Project for the course of Turbulence.
  • Analysis of turbulence characteristics from a dataset of velocity measurements in a wind tunnel.
  • Comparisons with the K41 theory.
  • Study on the chaotic and fractal properties of the generalized Baker’s map.

Dec 2021 - Jan 2022

Stochastic Modeling of Pollutant Transport in Acquifers


  • Project for the course of Stochastic Simulation.
  • Estimation of the risk of a pollutant particle to enter inside a drinking well region.
  • Phyton implementation of different stochastic methods and Fenics implementation of the finite element method.

Dec 2021 - Jan 2022

Pollutant Transport in Urban Canyons


  • Project for the Environmental Transport Phenomena course.
  • ANSYS Fluent implementation of a CFD simulation to predict the pollutant transport in different urban settings.

Nov 2021 - Dec 2021

Machine Learning replaces Radiative Transfer


  • Project for the Machine Learning course, in collaboration with the LASTRO laboratory (EPFL laboratory of astrophysics, Dr. Michele Bianco).
  • Implemented a CNN to predict the propagation of radiation in the cosmic epoch of radiation.

Oct 2021 - Nov 2021

The Higgs Boson Machine Learning Challenge


  • Project for the Machine Learning course.
  • Implemented a supervised method to predict the observation of the Higgs Boson from the CERN dataset.
  • With an accuracy of 83.6%, our work ranked 24 over 293 teams (TOP 9%).

May 2021 - Sept 2021

A high-order Discontinuous Galerkin Method for the Bidomain Problem


  • Project for the course of Numerical Analysis for Partial Differential Equations.
  • MATLAB implementation of a 2D high-order Discontinuous Galerkin method.
  • Analysis of the method on the bidomain problem of the cardiac electrophysiology.
  • Performed simulations of heart pseudo-realistic phenomena.
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