DUBeat  1.0.1
High-order discontinuous Galerkin methods and applications to cardiac electrophysiology
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /********************************************************************************
2  Copyright (C) 2024 by the DUBeat authors.
4  This file is part of DUBeat.
6  DUBeat is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
7  it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
8  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
9  (at your option) any later version.
11  DUBeat is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14  Lesser General Public License for more details.
16  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
17  along with DUBeat. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
18 ********************************************************************************/
27 #ifndef MODEL_DG_HPP_
28 #define MODEL_DG_HPP_
30 #include <deal.II/base/exceptions.h>
31 #include <deal.II/base/parameter_handler.h>
33 #include <deal.II/fe/mapping_q1_eulerian.h>
35 #include <deal.II/lac/full_matrix.h>
37 #include <memory>
38 #include <string>
39 #include <vector>
41 #include "DUB_FEM_handler.hpp"
42 #include "assemble_DG.hpp"
43 #include "compute_errors_DG.hpp"
44 #include "dof_handler_DG.hpp"
45 #include "face_handler_DG.hpp"
46 #include "source/core_model.hpp"
47 #include "source/geometry/mesh_handler.hpp"
48 #include "source/init.hpp"
49 #include "source/io/data_writer.hpp"
50 #include "source/numerics/bc_handler.hpp"
51 #include "source/numerics/linear_solver_handler.hpp"
52 #include "source/numerics/preconditioner_handler.hpp"
53 #include "source/numerics/tools.hpp"
54 #include "volume_handler_DG.hpp"
61 template <class basis>
62 class ModelDG : public lifex::CoreModel
63 {
64 public:
66  ModelDG(std::string model_name)
67  : CoreModel(model_name)
69  , triangulation(
70  std::make_shared<lifex::utils::MeshHandler>(prm_subsection_path,
71  mpi_comm))
72  , linear_solver(prm_subsection_path + " / Linear solver",
73  {"CG", "GMRES", "BiCGStab"},
74  "GMRES")
75  , preconditioner(prm_subsection_path + " / Preconditioner", true)
76  {}
82  ModelDG<basis>(const ModelDG<basis> &ModelDG) = default;
88  virtual void
89  declare_parameters(lifex::ParamHandler &params) const override;
92  virtual void
93  parse_parameters(lifex::ParamHandler &params) override;
96  unsigned int
97  get_dofs_per_cell() const;
100  virtual void
101  run() override;
104  virtual ~ModelDG() = default;
106 protected:
108  virtual void
109  setup_system();
114  void
116  dealii::DynamicSparsityPattern &sparsity,
117  const dealii::AffineConstraints<double> &constraints =
118  dealii::AffineConstraints<double>(),
119  const bool keep_constrained_dofs = true,
120  const dealii::types::subdomain_id subdomain_id =
121  dealii::numbers::invalid_subdomain_id);
124  void
125  initialize_solution(lifex::LinAlg::MPI::Vector &solution_owned,
126  lifex::LinAlg::MPI::Vector &solution);
130  virtual void
134  void
135  create_mesh();
138  void
139  create_mesh(std::string mesh_path);
142  void
143  solve_system();
148  void
149  compute_errors(const lifex::LinAlg::MPI::Vector &solution_owned,
150  const lifex::LinAlg::MPI::Vector &solution_ex_owned,
151  const std::shared_ptr<dealii::Function<lifex::dim>> &u_ex,
152  const std::shared_ptr<dealii::Function<lifex::dim>> &grad_u_ex,
153  const char *solution_name = (char *)"u") const;
160  virtual void
161  output_results(std::string output_name = "solution") const;
167  virtual void
168  conversion_to_fem(lifex::LinAlg::MPI::Vector &sol_owned);
172  virtual lifex::LinAlg::MPI::Vector
173  conversion_to_fem(const lifex::LinAlg::MPI::Vector &sol_owned) const;
175  // As conversion_to_fem but used when converting to more refined FEM meshes.
176  // See the description of the equivalent method in DUBFEMHandler. Notice that
177  // it works only when using Dubiner basis and it requires that the Dubiner
178  // mesh is nested in the FEM mesh.
179  virtual void
180  conversion_to_fem(lifex::LinAlg::MPI::Vector &sol_owned,
181  const std::string fem_file_path,
182  const unsigned int degree_fem = 1,
183  const double scaling_factor = 1) const;
187  virtual void
188  conversion_to_dub(lifex::LinAlg::MPI::Vector &sol_owned);
192  virtual lifex::LinAlg::MPI::Vector
193  conversion_to_dub(const lifex::LinAlg::MPI::Vector &sol_owned) const;
195  // As conversion_to_dub but used when converting from more refined FEM meshes.
196  // See the description of the equivalent method in DUBFEMHandler. Notice that
197  // it works only when using Dubiner basis and it requires that the Dubiner
198  // mesh is nested in the FEM mesh.
199  virtual void
200  conversion_to_dub(lifex::LinAlg::MPI::Vector &sol_owned,
201  const std::string fem_file_path,
202  const unsigned int degree_fem = 1,
203  const double scaling_factor = 1) const;
206  void
208  const std::shared_ptr<dealii::Function<lifex::dim>> &u_analytical,
209  lifex::LinAlg::MPI::Vector &sol_owned);
212  const std::string model_name;
214  unsigned int prm_fe_degree;
216  unsigned int prm_n_refinements;
222  double scaling_factor = 1;
224  std::shared_ptr<lifex::utils::MeshHandler> triangulation;
226  unsigned int dofs_per_cell;
231  std::shared_ptr<DUBFEMHandler<basis>> dub_fem_values;
233  std::unique_ptr<AssembleDG<basis>> assemble;
235  lifex::utils::LinearSolverHandler<lifex::LinAlg::MPI::Vector> linear_solver;
237  lifex::utils::PreconditionerHandler preconditioner;
239  lifex::LinAlg::MPI::SparseMatrix matrix;
241  lifex::LinAlg::MPI::Vector rhs;
243  lifex::LinAlg::MPI::Vector solution_owned;
245  lifex::LinAlg::MPI::Vector solution;
247  lifex::LinAlg::MPI::Vector solution_ex_owned;
249  lifex::LinAlg::MPI::Vector solution_ex;
251  std::shared_ptr<lifex::utils::FunctionDirichlet> u_ex;
253  std::shared_ptr<dealii::Function<lifex::dim>> grad_u_ex;
255  std::shared_ptr<dealii::Function<lifex::dim>> f_ex;
257  std::shared_ptr<dealii::Function<lifex::dim>> g_n;
258 };
260 template <class basis>
261 void
262 ModelDG<basis>::declare_parameters(lifex::ParamHandler &params) const
263 {
264  // Default parameters.
265  linear_solver.declare_parameters(params);
266  preconditioner.declare_parameters(params);
268  // Extra parameters.
269  params.enter_subsection("Mesh and space discretization");
270  {
271  params.declare_entry(
272  "Number of refinements",
273  "2",
274  dealii::Patterns::Integer(0),
275  "Number of global mesh refinement steps applied to initial grid.");
276  params.declare_entry("FE space degree",
277  "1",
278  dealii::Patterns::Integer(1),
279  "Degree of the FE space.");
280  }
281  params.leave_subsection();
283  params.enter_subsection("Discontinuous Galerkin");
284  {
285  params.declare_entry(
286  "Penalty coefficient",
287  "1",
288  dealii::Patterns::Double(-1, 1),
289  "Penalty coefficient in the Discontinuous Galerkin formulation.");
290  params.declare_entry(
291  "Stability coefficient",
292  "10",
293  dealii::Patterns::Double(0),
294  "Stabilization term in the Discontinuous Galerkin formulation.");
295  }
296  params.leave_subsection();
297 }
299 template <class basis>
300 void
301 ModelDG<basis>::parse_parameters(lifex::ParamHandler &params)
302 {
303  // Parse input file.
304  params.parse();
305  // Read input parameters.
306  linear_solver.parse_parameters(params);
307  preconditioner.parse_parameters(params);
309  // Extra parameters.
310  params.enter_subsection("Mesh and space discretization");
311  prm_n_refinements = params.get_integer("Number of refinements");
313  prm_fe_degree = params.get_integer("FE space degree");
314  params.leave_subsection();
316  params.enter_subsection("Discontinuous Galerkin");
317  prm_penalty_coeff = params.get_double("Penalty coefficient");
318  AssertThrow(prm_penalty_coeff == 1. || prm_penalty_coeff == 0. ||
319  prm_penalty_coeff == -1.,
320  dealii::StandardExceptions::ExcMessage(
321  "Penalty coefficient must be 1 (SIP method) or 0 (IIP method) "
322  "or -1 (NIP method)."));
324  prm_stability_coeff = params.get_double("Stability coefficient");
325  params.leave_subsection();
326 }
328 template <class basis>
329 unsigned int
331 {
332  // The analytical formula is:
333  // n_dof_per_cell = (p+1)*(p+2)*...(p+d) / d!,
334  // where p is the space order and d the space dimension..
336  unsigned int denominator = 1;
337  unsigned int nominator = 1;
339  for (unsigned int i = 1; i <= lifex::dim; i++)
340  {
341  denominator *= i;
342  nominator *= prm_fe_degree + i;
343  }
345  return (int)(nominator / denominator);
346 }
349 template <class basis>
350 void
352 {
353  // Initialization
354  create_mesh();
355  setup_system();
356  initialize_solution(solution_owned, solution);
357  initialize_solution(solution_ex_owned, solution_ex);
358  discretize_analytical_solution(u_ex, solution_ex_owned);
361  // Initial guess.
362  solution_ex = solution_ex_owned;
363  solution = solution_owned = 0;
365  // Computation of the numerical solution.
366  assemble_system();
367  solve_system();
370  // Computation and output of the errors.
371  compute_errors(solution_owned, solution_ex_owned, u_ex, grad_u_ex, "u");
373  // Generation of the graphical output.
374  conversion_to_fem(solution_ex);
375  solution = solution_owned;
376  conversion_to_fem(solution);
377  output_results();
378 }
380 template <class basis>
381 void
383 {
384  assemble = std::make_unique<AssembleDG<basis>>(prm_fe_degree);
386  dof_handler.reinit(triangulation->get());
387  dof_handler.distribute_dofs(prm_fe_degree);
388  dub_fem_values =
389  std::make_shared<DUBFEMHandler<basis>>(prm_fe_degree, dof_handler);
391  triangulation->get_info().print(prm_subsection_path,
392  dof_handler.n_dofs(),
393  true);
395  dealii::IndexSet owned_dofs = dof_handler.locally_owned_dofs();
396  dealii::IndexSet relevant_dofs = owned_dofs;
397  dealii::DynamicSparsityPattern dsp(relevant_dofs);
400  // Add (dof, dof_neigh) to dsp, so to the matrix
401  dofs_per_cell = get_dofs_per_cell();
402  std::vector<lifex::types::global_dof_index> dof_indices(dofs_per_cell);
403  std::vector<lifex::types::global_dof_index> dof_indices_neigh(dofs_per_cell);
406  for (const auto &cell : dof_handler.active_cell_iterators())
407  {
408  dof_indices = dof_handler.get_dof_indices(cell);
410  for (const auto &edge : cell->face_indices())
411  {
412  if (!cell->at_boundary(edge))
413  {
414  const auto neighcell = cell->neighbor(edge);
415  dof_indices_neigh = dof_handler.get_dof_indices(neighcell);
416  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < dofs_per_cell; ++i)
417  {
418  for (unsigned int j = 0; j < dofs_per_cell; ++j)
419  {
420  dsp.add(dof_indices[i], dof_indices_neigh[j]);
421  }
422  }
423  }
424  }
425  }
427  make_sparsity_pattern(dof_handler, dsp);
428  lifex::SparsityTools::distribute_sparsity_pattern(dsp,
429  owned_dofs,
430  mpi_comm,
431  relevant_dofs);
432  lifex::utils::initialize_matrix(matrix, owned_dofs, dsp);
434  rhs.reinit(owned_dofs, mpi_comm);
435 }
438 template <class basis>
439 void
441  const DoFHandlerDG<basis> &dof,
442  dealii::DynamicSparsityPattern &sparsity,
443  const dealii::AffineConstraints<double> &constraints,
444  const bool keep_constrained_dofs,
445  const dealii::types::subdomain_id subdomain_id)
446 {
447  Assert(sparsity.n_rows() == n_dofs,
448  ExcDimensionMismatch(sparsity.n_rows(), n_dofs));
449  Assert(sparsity.n_cols() == n_dofs,
450  ExcDimensionMismatch(sparsity.n_cols(), n_dofs));
452  // If we have a distributed Triangulation only allow locally_owned
453  // subdomain. Not setting a subdomain is also okay, because we skip
454  // ghost cells in the loop below.
455  if (const auto *triangulation = dynamic_cast<
456  const dealii::parallel::DistributedTriangulationBase<lifex::dim> *>(
457  &dof.get_triangulation()))
458  {
459  Assert((subdomain_id == numbers::invalid_subdomain_id) ||
460  (subdomain_id == triangulation->locally_owned_subdomain()),
461  ExcMessage(
462  "For distributed Triangulation objects and associated "
463  "DoFHandler objects, asking for any subdomain other than the "
464  "locally owned one does not make sense."));
465  }
466  std::vector<dealii::types::global_dof_index> dofs_on_this_cell;
467  dofs_on_this_cell.reserve(dof.n_dofs_per_cell());
469  // In case we work with a distributed sparsity pattern of Trilinos
470  // type, we only have to do the work if the current cell is owned by
471  // the calling processor. Otherwise, just continue.
472  for (const auto &cell : dof.active_cell_iterators())
473  if (((subdomain_id == dealii::numbers::invalid_subdomain_id) ||
474  (subdomain_id == cell->subdomain_id())) &&
475  cell->is_locally_owned())
476  {
477  dofs_on_this_cell.resize(dof.n_dofs_per_cell());
478  dofs_on_this_cell = dof.get_dof_indices(cell);
480  // make sparsity pattern for this cell. if no constraints pattern
481  // was given, then the following call acts as if simply no
482  // constraints existed
483  constraints.add_entries_local_to_global(dofs_on_this_cell,
484  sparsity,
485  keep_constrained_dofs);
486  }
487 }
490 template <class basis>
491 void
492 ModelDG<basis>::initialize_solution(lifex::LinAlg::MPI::Vector &solution_owned,
493  lifex::LinAlg::MPI::Vector &solution)
494 {
495  dealii::IndexSet owned_dofs = dof_handler.locally_owned_dofs();
496  dealii::IndexSet relevant_dofs = owned_dofs;
498  solution_owned.reinit(owned_dofs, mpi_comm);
499  solution.reinit(owned_dofs, relevant_dofs, mpi_comm);
500 }
502 template <class basis>
503 void
505 {
506  std::string mesh_path = "../meshes/" + std::to_string(lifex::dim) + "D_" +
507  std::to_string(prm_n_refinements) + ".msh";
508  AssertThrow(std::filesystem::exists(mesh_path),
509  dealii::StandardExceptions::ExcMessage(
510  "This mesh file/directory does not exist."));
512  // deal.II does not provide runtime generation of tetrahedral meshes, hence
513  // they can currently be imported only from file. This version of create_mesh
514  // picks the mesh file from the default path.
515  triangulation->initialize_from_file(mesh_path, this->scaling_factor);
516  triangulation->set_element_type(lifex::utils::MeshHandler::ElementType::Tet);
517  triangulation->create_mesh();
518 }
520 template <class basis>
521 void
522 ModelDG<basis>::create_mesh(std::string mesh_path)
523 {
524  AssertThrow(std::filesystem::exists(mesh_path),
525  dealii::StandardExceptions::ExcMessage(
526  "This mesh file/directory does not exist."));
528  // deal.II does not provide runtime generation of tetrahedral meshes, hence
529  // they can currently be imported only from file. This version of create_mesh
530  // picks the mesh file from a user-defined path.
531  triangulation->initialize_from_file(mesh_path, this->scaling_factor);
532  triangulation->set_element_type(lifex::utils::MeshHandler::ElementType::Tet);
533  triangulation->create_mesh();
534 }
536 template <class basis>
537 void
539 {
540  preconditioner.initialize(matrix);
541  linear_solver.solve(matrix, solution_owned, rhs, preconditioner);
542  solution = solution_owned;
543 }
545 template <class basis>
546 void
548  const lifex::LinAlg::MPI::Vector &solution_owned,
549  const lifex::LinAlg::MPI::Vector &solution_ex_owned,
550  const std::shared_ptr<dealii::Function<lifex::dim>> &u_ex,
551  const std::shared_ptr<dealii::Function<lifex::dim>> &grad_u_ex,
552  const char *solution_name) const
553 {
554  ComputeErrorsDG<basis> error_calculator(prm_fe_degree,
555  prm_stability_coeff,
556  dofs_per_cell,
557  dof_handler,
558  prm_n_refinements,
559  model_name);
560  error_calculator.reinit(
561  solution_owned, solution_ex_owned, u_ex, grad_u_ex, solution_name);
562  error_calculator.compute_errors();
563  std::vector<double> errors = error_calculator.output_errors();
565  pcout << std::endl
566  << solution_name << ":" << std::endl
567  << "Error L^inf: " << std::setw(6) << std::fixed << std::setprecision(6)
568  << errors[0] << std::endl
569  << "Error L^2: " << std::setw(6) << std::fixed << std::setprecision(6)
570  << errors[1] << std::endl
571  << "Error H^1: " << std::setw(6) << std::fixed << std::setprecision(6)
572  << errors[2] << std::endl
573  << "Error DG: " << std::setw(6) << std::fixed << std::setprecision(6)
574  << errors[3] << std::endl;
576  error_calculator.update_datafile();
577 }
579 template <class basis>
580 void
581 ModelDG<basis>::output_results(std::string output_name) const
582 {
583  lifex::DataOut<lifex::dim> data_out;
585  // To output results, we need the deal.II DoFHandler instead of the DUBeat
586  // DGDoFHandler since we are required here to use deal.II functions. On the
587  // other hand, the deal.II DofHandler is limited to the 2nd order polynomials.
588  const unsigned int output_fe_degree = (prm_fe_degree < 3) ? prm_fe_degree : 2;
589  dealii::FE_SimplexDGP<lifex::dim> fe(output_fe_degree);
590  dealii::DoFHandler<lifex::dim> dof_handler_fem;
591  dof_handler_fem.reinit(triangulation->get());
592  dof_handler_fem.distribute_dofs(fe);
594  data_out.add_data_vector(dof_handler_fem, solution, "u");
595  data_out.build_patches();
596  data_out.add_data_vector(dof_handler_fem, solution_ex, "u_ex");
597  data_out.build_patches();
598  lifex::utils::dataout_write_hdf5(data_out, output_name, false);
600  data_out.clear();
601 }
605 template <class basis>
606 void
607 ModelDG<basis>::conversion_to_fem(lifex::LinAlg::MPI::Vector &sol_owned)
608 {
609  return;
610 }
614 template <>
615 void
616 ModelDG<DUBValues<lifex::dim>>::conversion_to_fem(
617  lifex::LinAlg::MPI::Vector &sol_owned)
618 {
619  sol_owned = dub_fem_values->dubiner_to_fem(sol_owned);
620 }
623 template <class basis>
624 lifex::LinAlg::MPI::Vector
626  const lifex::LinAlg::MPI::Vector &sol_owned) const
627 {
628  return sol_owned;
629 }
632 template <>
633 lifex::LinAlg::MPI::Vector
634 ModelDG<DUBValues<lifex::dim>>::conversion_to_fem(
635  const lifex::LinAlg::MPI::Vector &sol_owned) const
636 {
637  lifex::LinAlg::MPI::Vector sol_fem =
638  dub_fem_values->dubiner_to_fem(sol_owned);
639  return sol_fem;
640 }
642 template <class basis>
643 void
644 ModelDG<basis>::conversion_to_fem(lifex::LinAlg::MPI::Vector &sol_owned,
645  const std::string fem_file_path,
646  const unsigned int degree_fem,
647  const double scaling_factor) const
648 {
649  return;
650 }
652 template <>
653 void
654 ModelDG<DUBValues<lifex::dim>>::conversion_to_fem(
655  lifex::LinAlg::MPI::Vector &sol_owned,
656  const std::string fem_file_path,
657  const unsigned int degree_fem,
658  const double scaling_factor) const
659 {
660  sol_owned = dub_fem_values->dubiner_to_fem(sol_owned,
661  fem_file_path,
662  prm_subsection_path,
663  mpi_comm,
664  degree_fem,
665  scaling_factor);
666 }
670 template <class basis>
671 void
672 ModelDG<basis>::conversion_to_dub(lifex::LinAlg::MPI::Vector &sol_owned)
673 {
674  return;
675 }
679 template <>
680 void
681 ModelDG<DUBValues<lifex::dim>>::conversion_to_dub(
682  lifex::LinAlg::MPI::Vector &sol_owned)
683 {
684  sol_owned = dub_fem_values->fem_to_dubiner(sol_owned);
685 }
688 template <class basis>
689 lifex::LinAlg::MPI::Vector
691  const lifex::LinAlg::MPI::Vector &sol_owned) const
692 {
693  return sol_owned;
694 }
697 template <>
698 lifex::LinAlg::MPI::Vector
699 ModelDG<DUBValues<lifex::dim>>::conversion_to_dub(
700  const lifex::LinAlg::MPI::Vector &sol_owned) const
701 {
702  lifex::LinAlg::MPI::Vector sol_dub =
703  dub_fem_values->fem_to_dubiner(sol_owned);
704  return sol_dub;
705 }
707 template <class basis>
708 void
709 ModelDG<basis>::conversion_to_dub(lifex::LinAlg::MPI::Vector &sol_owned,
710  const std::string fem_file_path,
711  const unsigned int degree_fem,
712  const double scaling_factor) const
713 {
714  return;
715 }
717 template <>
718 void
719 ModelDG<DUBValues<lifex::dim>>::conversion_to_dub(
720  lifex::LinAlg::MPI::Vector &sol_owned,
721  const std::string fem_file_path,
722  const unsigned int degree_fem,
723  const double scaling_factor) const
724 {
725  sol_owned = dub_fem_values->fem_to_dubiner(sol_owned,
726  fem_file_path,
727  prm_subsection_path,
728  mpi_comm,
729  degree_fem,
730  scaling_factor);
731 }
735 template <>
736 void
737 ModelDG<dealii::FE_SimplexDGP<lifex::dim>>::discretize_analytical_solution(
738  const std::shared_ptr<dealii::Function<lifex::dim>> &u_analytical,
739  lifex::LinAlg::MPI::Vector &sol_owned)
740 {
741  dealii::VectorTools::interpolate(dof_handler, *u_analytical, sol_owned);
742 }
746 template <>
747 void
748 ModelDG<DUBValues<lifex::dim>>::discretize_analytical_solution(
749  const std::shared_ptr<dealii::Function<lifex::dim>> &u_analytical,
750  lifex::LinAlg::MPI::Vector &sol_owned)
751 {
752  sol_owned = dub_fem_values->analytical_to_dubiner(sol_owned, u_analytical);
753 }
755 #endif /* MODEL_DG_HPP_*/
Class to compute the errors between the numerical solution (solution_owned) and the exact solution (s...
void update_datafile() const
Update the datafile with the new errors.
void compute_errors(std::list< const char * > errors_defs={"inf", "L2", "H1", "DG"})
Compute errors following the preferences in the list.
void reinit(const lifex::LinAlg::MPI::Vector &sol_owned, const lifex::LinAlg::MPI::Vector &sol_ex_owned, const std::shared_ptr< dealii::Function< lifex::dim >> &u_ex_input, const std::shared_ptr< dealii::Function< lifex::dim >> &grad_u_ex_input, const char *solution_name_input)
Reinitialization with new computed and exact solutions.
std::vector< double > output_errors(std::list< const char * > errors_defs={"inf", "L2", "H1", "DG"}) const
Output of the errors following the preferences in the list.
Class to work with global and local degrees of freedom and their mapping.
std::vector< lifex::types::global_dof_index > get_dof_indices(active_cell_iterator cell) const
Returns the global dofs referred to the input cell.
unsigned int n_dofs_per_cell() const
Return copy of n_dofs_per_cell.
Class representing the resolution of problems using discontinuous Galerkin methods.
Definition: model_DG.hpp:63
const std::string model_name
Name of the class/problem.
Definition: model_DG.hpp:212
lifex::LinAlg::MPI::SparseMatrix matrix
Distributed matrix of the linear system.
Definition: model_DG.hpp:239
std::shared_ptr< dealii::Function< lifex::dim > > g_n
Neumann boundary conditions.
Definition: model_DG.hpp:257
unsigned int prm_n_refinements
Mesh refinement level (>=1).
Definition: model_DG.hpp:216
void compute_errors(const lifex::LinAlg::MPI::Vector &solution_owned, const lifex::LinAlg::MPI::Vector &solution_ex_owned, const std::shared_ptr< dealii::Function< lifex::dim >> &u_ex, const std::shared_ptr< dealii::Function< lifex::dim >> &grad_u_ex, const char *solution_name=(char *)"u") const
To compute the error, the error, the error and the error at the end of system solving,...
Definition: model_DG.hpp:547
virtual void conversion_to_dub(lifex::LinAlg::MPI::Vector &sol_owned)
To convert a discretized solution in Dubiner basis (only for problems using Dubiner basis).
Definition: model_DG.hpp:672
void initialize_solution(lifex::LinAlg::MPI::Vector &solution_owned, lifex::LinAlg::MPI::Vector &solution)
To inizialize the solutions using the deal.II reinit.
Definition: model_DG.hpp:492
virtual void assemble_system()=0
Assembly of the linear system, pure virtual.
unsigned int prm_fe_degree
Polynomials degree.
Definition: model_DG.hpp:214
double prm_stability_coeff
DG stabilty coefficient.
Definition: model_DG.hpp:220
void make_sparsity_pattern(const DoFHandlerDG< basis > &dof, dealii::DynamicSparsityPattern &sparsity, const dealii::AffineConstraints< double > &constraints=dealii::AffineConstraints< double >(), const bool keep_constrained_dofs=true, const dealii::types::subdomain_id subdomain_id=dealii::numbers::invalid_subdomain_id)
Creation of the sparsity pattern to assign to the system matrix before assembling.
Definition: model_DG.hpp:440
std::shared_ptr< DUBFEMHandler< basis > > dub_fem_values
Member used for conversions between analytical, nodal and modal representations of the solutions.
Definition: model_DG.hpp:231
lifex::LinAlg::MPI::Vector solution
Distributed solution vector, with ghost entries.
Definition: model_DG.hpp:245
std::unique_ptr< AssembleDG< basis > > assemble
Matrix assembler.
Definition: model_DG.hpp:233
lifex::LinAlg::MPI::Vector solution_ex
Distributed exact solution vector, without ghost entries.
Definition: model_DG.hpp:249
virtual void declare_parameters(lifex::ParamHandler &params) const override
Declare main parameters.
Definition: model_DG.hpp:262
DoFHandlerDG< basis > dof_handler
DoFHandler (internal use for useful already implemented methods).
Definition: model_DG.hpp:228
virtual void conversion_to_fem(lifex::LinAlg::MPI::Vector &sol_owned)
To convert a discretized solution from modal to nodal basis (does nothing if problem is already in no...
Definition: model_DG.hpp:607
void create_mesh()
Load the mesh from the default path.
Definition: model_DG.hpp:504
lifex::LinAlg::MPI::Vector solution_owned
Distributed solution vector, without ghost entries.
Definition: model_DG.hpp:243
ModelDG(std::string model_name)
Definition: model_DG.hpp:66
std::shared_ptr< dealii::Function< lifex::dim > > f_ex
Known forcing term.
Definition: model_DG.hpp:255
virtual ~ModelDG()=default
lifex::utils::PreconditionerHandler preconditioner
Preconditioner handler.
Definition: model_DG.hpp:237
double prm_penalty_coeff
DG Penalty coefficient.
Definition: model_DG.hpp:218
std::shared_ptr< dealii::Function< lifex::dim > > grad_u_ex
Pointer to exact gradient solution Function.
Definition: model_DG.hpp:253
virtual void output_results(std::string output_name="solution") const
Output of results.
Definition: model_DG.hpp:581
unsigned int dofs_per_cell
Number of degrees of freedom per cell.
Definition: model_DG.hpp:226
void solve_system()
System solving.
Definition: model_DG.hpp:538
std::shared_ptr< lifex::utils::MeshHandler > triangulation
Triangulation (internal use for useful already implemented methods).
Definition: model_DG.hpp:224
double scaling_factor
Scaling factor.
Definition: model_DG.hpp:222
std::shared_ptr< lifex::utils::FunctionDirichlet > u_ex
Pointer to exact solution function.
Definition: model_DG.hpp:251
lifex::LinAlg::MPI::Vector solution_ex_owned
Distributed exact solution vector, without ghost entries.
Definition: model_DG.hpp:247
virtual void run() override
Run the simulation.
Definition: model_DG.hpp:351
lifex::LinAlg::MPI::Vector rhs
Distributed right hand side vector of the linear system.
Definition: model_DG.hpp:241
unsigned int get_dofs_per_cell() const
Return the number of degrees of freedom per element.
Definition: model_DG.hpp:330
lifex::utils::LinearSolverHandler< lifex::LinAlg::MPI::Vector > linear_solver
Linear solver handler.
Definition: model_DG.hpp:235
virtual void setup_system()
Setup of the problem before the resolution.
Definition: model_DG.hpp:382
void discretize_analytical_solution(const std::shared_ptr< dealii::Function< lifex::dim >> &u_analytical, lifex::LinAlg::MPI::Vector &sol_owned)
Conversion of an analytical solution from FEM to basis coefficients.
virtual void parse_parameters(lifex::ParamHandler &params) override
Parse parameters from .prm file.
Definition: model_DG.hpp:301