DUBeat  1.0.1
High-order discontinuous Galerkin methods and applications to cardiac electrophysiology
ModelDG_t< basis > Class Template Reference

Class representing the resolution of time-dependent problems using discontinuous Galerkin methods. More...

#include <model_DG_t.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for ModelDG_t< basis >:
Collaboration diagram for ModelDG_t< basis >:

Public Member Functions

 ModelDG_t (std::string model_name)
 Constructor. More...
 ModelDG_t (ModelDG_t< basis > &ModelDG_t)=default
 Default copy constructor. More...
 ModelDG_t (const ModelDG_t< basis > &ModelDG_t)=default
 Default const copy constructor. More...
 ModelDG_t (ModelDG_t< basis > &&ModelDG_t)=default
 Default move constructor. More...
virtual ~ModelDG_t ()=default
 Destructor. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from ModelDG< basis >
 ModelDG (std::string model_name)
 Constructor. More...
 ModelDG (ModelDG< basis > &ModelDG)=default
 Default copy constructor. More...
 ModelDG (const ModelDG< basis > &ModelDG)=default
 Default const copy constructor. More...
 ModelDG (ModelDG< basis > &&ModelDG)=default
 Default move constructor. More...
unsigned int get_dofs_per_cell () const
 Return the number of degrees of freedom per element. More...
virtual ~ModelDG ()=default
 Destructor. More...

Protected Member Functions

virtual void declare_parameters (lifex::ParamHandler &params) const override
 Override for declaration of additional parameters. More...
virtual void parse_parameters (lifex::ParamHandler &params) override
 Override to parse additional parameters. More...
virtual void time_initialization ()
 Setup for the time-dependent problems at the initial time-step. More...
virtual void update_time ()
 To perform the time increment. More...
virtual void intermediate_error_print (const lifex::LinAlg::MPI::Vector &solution_owned, const lifex::LinAlg::MPI::Vector &solution_ex_owned, const std::shared_ptr< dealii::Function< lifex::dim >> &u_ex, const char *solution_name=(char *)"u")
 Computation of the \(L^\infty\) error at an intermediate time-step. More...
void run () override
 Override for the simulation run. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from ModelDG< basis >
virtual void setup_system ()
 Setup of the problem before the resolution. More...
void make_sparsity_pattern (const DoFHandlerDG< basis > &dof, dealii::DynamicSparsityPattern &sparsity, const dealii::AffineConstraints< double > &constraints=dealii::AffineConstraints< double >(), const bool keep_constrained_dofs=true, const dealii::types::subdomain_id subdomain_id=dealii::numbers::invalid_subdomain_id)
 Creation of the sparsity pattern to assign to the system matrix before assembling. More...
void initialize_solution (lifex::LinAlg::MPI::Vector &solution_owned, lifex::LinAlg::MPI::Vector &solution)
 To inizialize the solutions using the deal.II reinit. More...
virtual void assemble_system ()=0
 Assembly of the linear system, pure virtual. More...
void create_mesh ()
 Load the mesh from the default path. More...
void create_mesh (std::string mesh_path)
 Load the mesh from a user-defined path. More...
void solve_system ()
 System solving. More...
void compute_errors (const lifex::LinAlg::MPI::Vector &solution_owned, const lifex::LinAlg::MPI::Vector &solution_ex_owned, const std::shared_ptr< dealii::Function< lifex::dim >> &u_ex, const std::shared_ptr< dealii::Function< lifex::dim >> &grad_u_ex, const char *solution_name=(char *)"u") const
 To compute the \(L^\infty\) error, the \(L^2\) error, the \(H^1\) error and the \(DG\) error at the end of system solving, it exploits the DGComputeErrors<basis> class. More...
virtual void output_results (std::string output_name="solution") const
 Output of results. More...
virtual void conversion_to_fem (lifex::LinAlg::MPI::Vector &sol_owned)
 To convert a discretized solution from modal to nodal basis (does nothing if problem is already in nodal basis), in-place version. More...
virtual lifex::LinAlg::MPI::Vector conversion_to_fem (const lifex::LinAlg::MPI::Vector &sol_owned) const
 To convert a discretized solution from modal to nodal basis (does nothing if problem is already in nodal basis), const version. More...
virtual void conversion_to_fem (lifex::LinAlg::MPI::Vector &sol_owned, const std::string fem_file_path, const unsigned int degree_fem=1, const double scaling_factor=1) const
virtual void conversion_to_dub (lifex::LinAlg::MPI::Vector &sol_owned)
 To convert a discretized solution in Dubiner basis (only for problems using Dubiner basis). More...
virtual lifex::LinAlg::MPI::Vector conversion_to_dub (const lifex::LinAlg::MPI::Vector &sol_owned) const
 To convert a discretized solution in Dubiner basis (only for problems using Dubiner basis). More...
virtual void conversion_to_dub (lifex::LinAlg::MPI::Vector &sol_owned, const std::string fem_file_path, const unsigned int degree_fem=1, const double scaling_factor=1) const
void discretize_analytical_solution (const std::shared_ptr< dealii::Function< lifex::dim >> &u_analytical, lifex::LinAlg::MPI::Vector &sol_owned)
 Conversion of an analytical solution from FEM to basis coefficients. More...
void conversion_to_fem (lifex::LinAlg::MPI::Vector &sol_owned)
 Conversion of a discretized solution from Dubiner coefficients to FEM coefficients. More...
lifex::LinAlg::MPI::Vector conversion_to_fem (const lifex::LinAlg::MPI::Vector &sol_owned) const
 Conversion to FEM coefficients, const version. More...
void conversion_to_fem (lifex::LinAlg::MPI::Vector &sol_owned, const std::string fem_file_path, const unsigned int degree_fem, const double scaling_factor) const
void conversion_to_dub (lifex::LinAlg::MPI::Vector &sol_owned)
 Conversion of a discretized solution from FEM coefficients to Dubiner coefficients. More...
lifex::LinAlg::MPI::Vector conversion_to_dub (const lifex::LinAlg::MPI::Vector &sol_owned) const
 Conversion to DUB coefficients, const version. More...
void conversion_to_dub (lifex::LinAlg::MPI::Vector &sol_owned, const std::string fem_file_path, const unsigned int degree_fem, const double scaling_factor) const
void discretize_analytical_solution (const std::shared_ptr< dealii::Function< lifex::dim >> &u_analytical, lifex::LinAlg::MPI::Vector &sol_owned)
 Conversion of an analytical solution from FEM to basis coefficients. More...
void discretize_analytical_solution (const std::shared_ptr< dealii::Function< lifex::dim >> &u_analytical, lifex::LinAlg::MPI::Vector &sol_owned)
 Conversion of an analytical solution from FEM to basis coefficients. More...

Protected Attributes

double prm_time_init
 Initial time. More...
double prm_time_final
 Final time. More...
double prm_time_step
 Time-step amplitude. More...
unsigned int prm_bdf_order
 BDF order. More...
double time
 Current time. More...
unsigned int timestep_number
 Current time-step number. More...
lifex::utils::BDFHandler< lifex::LinAlg::MPI::Vector > bdf_handler
 BDF time advancing handler. More...
lifex::LinAlg::MPI::Vector solution_bdf
 BDF solution, with ghost entries. More...
lifex::LinAlg::MPI::Vector solution_ext
 BDF extrapolated solution, with ghost entries. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from ModelDG< basis >
const std::string model_name
 Name of the class/problem. More...
unsigned int prm_fe_degree
 Polynomials degree. More...
unsigned int prm_n_refinements
 Mesh refinement level (>=1). More...
double prm_penalty_coeff
 DG Penalty coefficient. More...
double prm_stability_coeff
 DG stabilty coefficient. More...
double scaling_factor = 1
 Scaling factor. More...
std::shared_ptr< lifex::utils::MeshHandler > triangulation
 Triangulation (internal use for useful already implemented methods). More...
unsigned int dofs_per_cell
 Number of degrees of freedom per cell. More...
DoFHandlerDG< basis > dof_handler
 DoFHandler (internal use for useful already implemented methods). More...
std::shared_ptr< DUBFEMHandler< basis > > dub_fem_values
 Member used for conversions between analytical, nodal and modal representations of the solutions. More...
std::unique_ptr< AssembleDG< basis > > assemble
 Matrix assembler. More...
lifex::utils::LinearSolverHandler< lifex::LinAlg::MPI::Vector > linear_solver
 Linear solver handler. More...
lifex::utils::PreconditionerHandler preconditioner
 Preconditioner handler. More...
lifex::LinAlg::MPI::SparseMatrix matrix
 Distributed matrix of the linear system. More...
lifex::LinAlg::MPI::Vector rhs
 Distributed right hand side vector of the linear system. More...
lifex::LinAlg::MPI::Vector solution_owned
 Distributed solution vector, without ghost entries. More...
lifex::LinAlg::MPI::Vector solution
 Distributed solution vector, with ghost entries. More...
lifex::LinAlg::MPI::Vector solution_ex_owned
 Distributed exact solution vector, without ghost entries. More...
lifex::LinAlg::MPI::Vector solution_ex
 Distributed exact solution vector, without ghost entries. More...
std::shared_ptr< lifex::utils::FunctionDirichlet > u_ex
 Pointer to exact solution function. More...
std::shared_ptr< dealii::Function< lifex::dim > > grad_u_ex
 Pointer to exact gradient solution Function. More...
std::shared_ptr< dealii::Function< lifex::dim > > f_ex
 Known forcing term. More...
std::shared_ptr< dealii::Function< lifex::dim > > g_n
 Neumann boundary conditions. More...

Detailed Description

template<class basis>
class ModelDG_t< basis >

Class representing the resolution of time-dependent problems using discontinuous Galerkin methods.

Definition at line 61 of file model_DG_t.hpp.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ ModelDG_t() [1/4]

template<class basis >
ModelDG_t< basis >::ModelDG_t ( std::string  model_name)


Definition at line 65 of file model_DG_t.hpp.

◆ ModelDG_t() [2/4]

template<class basis >
ModelDG_t< basis >::ModelDG_t ( ModelDG_t< basis > &  ModelDG_t)

Default copy constructor.

◆ ModelDG_t() [3/4]

template<class basis >
ModelDG_t< basis >::ModelDG_t ( const ModelDG_t< basis > &  ModelDG_t)

Default const copy constructor.

◆ ModelDG_t() [4/4]

template<class basis >
ModelDG_t< basis >::ModelDG_t ( ModelDG_t< basis > &&  ModelDG_t)

Default move constructor.

◆ ~ModelDG_t()

template<class basis >
virtual ModelDG_t< basis >::~ModelDG_t ( )


Member Function Documentation

◆ declare_parameters()

template<class basis >
void ModelDG_t< basis >::declare_parameters ( lifex::ParamHandler &  params) const

Override for declaration of additional parameters.

Reimplemented from ModelDG< basis >.

Reimplemented in DUBeat::models::MonodomainFHNDG< basis >.

Definition at line 134 of file model_DG_t.hpp.

◆ intermediate_error_print()

template<class basis >
void ModelDG_t< basis >::intermediate_error_print ( const lifex::LinAlg::MPI::Vector &  solution_owned,
const lifex::LinAlg::MPI::Vector &  solution_ex_owned,
const std::shared_ptr< dealii::Function< lifex::dim >> &  u_ex,
const char *  solution_name = (char *)"u" 

Computation of the \(L^\infty\) error at an intermediate time-step.

Definition at line 256 of file model_DG_t.hpp.

◆ parse_parameters()

template<class basis >
void ModelDG_t< basis >::parse_parameters ( lifex::ParamHandler &  params)

Override to parse additional parameters.

Reimplemented from ModelDG< basis >.

Reimplemented in DUBeat::models::MonodomainFHNDG< basis >.

Definition at line 194 of file model_DG_t.hpp.

◆ run()

template<class basis >
void ModelDG_t< basis >::run

Override for the simulation run.

Reimplemented from ModelDG< basis >.

Definition at line 298 of file model_DG_t.hpp.

◆ time_initialization()

template<class basis >
void ModelDG_t< basis >::time_initialization

Setup for the time-dependent problems at the initial time-step.

Reimplemented in DUBeat::models::MonodomainFHNDG< basis >.

Definition at line 233 of file model_DG_t.hpp.

◆ update_time()

template<class basis >
void ModelDG_t< basis >::update_time

To perform the time increment.

Reimplemented in DUBeat::models::MonodomainFHNDG< basis >.

Definition at line 281 of file model_DG_t.hpp.

Member Data Documentation

◆ bdf_handler

template<class basis >
lifex::utils::BDFHandler<lifex::LinAlg::MPI::Vector> ModelDG_t< basis >::bdf_handler

BDF time advancing handler.

Definition at line 125 of file model_DG_t.hpp.

◆ prm_bdf_order

template<class basis >
unsigned int ModelDG_t< basis >::prm_bdf_order

BDF order.

Definition at line 119 of file model_DG_t.hpp.

◆ prm_time_final

template<class basis >
double ModelDG_t< basis >::prm_time_final

Final time.

Definition at line 115 of file model_DG_t.hpp.

◆ prm_time_init

template<class basis >
double ModelDG_t< basis >::prm_time_init

Initial time.

Definition at line 113 of file model_DG_t.hpp.

◆ prm_time_step

template<class basis >
double ModelDG_t< basis >::prm_time_step

Time-step amplitude.

Definition at line 117 of file model_DG_t.hpp.

◆ solution_bdf

template<class basis >
lifex::LinAlg::MPI::Vector ModelDG_t< basis >::solution_bdf

BDF solution, with ghost entries.

Definition at line 127 of file model_DG_t.hpp.

◆ solution_ext

template<class basis >
lifex::LinAlg::MPI::Vector ModelDG_t< basis >::solution_ext

BDF extrapolated solution, with ghost entries.

Definition at line 129 of file model_DG_t.hpp.

◆ time

template<class basis >
double ModelDG_t< basis >::time

Current time.

Definition at line 121 of file model_DG_t.hpp.

◆ timestep_number

template<class basis >
unsigned int ModelDG_t< basis >::timestep_number

Current time-step number.

Definition at line 123 of file model_DG_t.hpp.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: