
Script for results plotting.


get_triangulation(boundary[, n_points_interior, ...])

Create a 2D mesh/triangulation from the definition of geometry. Useful for pihnn.graphics.plot_sol().

single_plot(triangulation, z, levels[, title, cmap])

Single contour plot. Used by the other functions in this module.

plot_loss(loss_train, loss_test[, figsize, format, dir])

Plot of the training and test loss.

plot_sol(triangulation, model[, model_true, format, ...])

Plot of the solution from the training of the network. This can be graphically compared with a reference solution (either numerical or analytical).

plot_scalar(triangulation, model[, model_true, ...])

Specialization of pihnn.graphics.plot_sol for the Laplace and biharmonic problems.

plot_stresses(triangulation, model[, model_true, ...])

Specialization of pihnn.graphics.plot_sol for the linear elasticity problem.

plot_training_points(boundary[, format, dir, figsize, ...])

Generates a plot of the current batch of training points with some information regarding the boundary conditions and the domain (the latter, only for DD-PIHNNs).