
class pihnn.geometries.boundary(curves, np_train, np_test, dd_partition=None)#

Main class for the definition of the domain boundary and boundary conditions (BCs).

  • curves (list) – List of pihnn.geometry.curve which defines the domain boundary.

  • np_train (int) – Number of training points.

  • np_test (int) – Number of test points.

  • dd_partition (callable) – Domain decomposition rule, only for DD-PIHNNs.

An example of domain splitting for partitioning into the 4 quadrants is as follows

def dd_partition (x,y): # Domain decomposition partition
    domains = torch.empty([4,x.shape[0]], dtype=torch.bool)
    domains[0,:] = (x>=-1e-10) & (y>=-1e-10)
    domains[1,:] = (x<=1e-10) & (y>=-1e-10)
    domains[2,:] = (x<=1e-10) & (y<=1e-10)
    domains[3,:] = (x>=-1e-10) & (y<=1e-10)
    return domains


dd_partition must be in exactly the same format as the example: it must return a tensor with an additional dimension at position 0 and each domain must contain also shared interfaces (this is the reason for 1e-10).


Generation of a new batch of points from the boundary.


N (int) – Number of points to generate


  • points (torch.tensor) - Coordinates of the extracted points.

  • normals (torch.tensor) - Coordinates of the boundary outward vectors at the points locations.

  • bc_idxs (torch.tensor) - Type of BC at the corresponding points.

  • bc_values (torch.tensor) - Assigned BC value at the corresponding points.


Training and test points generated from extract_points() are copied internally in an additional format that is necessary for the training of DD-PIHNNs.

In particular, if \(N\) is the number of training/test points and \(D\) the number of domains, we have the transformation

\[P_f \in \mathbb{C}^{N} \rightarrow P_d \in \mathbb{C}^{D,N_D}\]

where \(N_D\) is the maximum number of points in a domain (approximately \(N/D\) if the domains are all similar). In particular, \(p\in P_f\) is copied into \(P_d\) at the \(i\)-th row if \(p\) belongs to the \(i\)-th domain.

Notice that the division/splitting is almost never exact, therefore there are some elements in \(P_d\) that are empty and therefore ignored.

Together with \(P_d\) for both training and test points, the method provides the mask used to ignore leftover points and another tensor used to identify twin points on interfaces.

__call__(dataset, dd=False)#

It returns the currently saved boundary points (generated through extract_points()).

  • dataset (str) – ‘training’ or ‘test’ option.

  • dd (bool) – If True, it returns the boundary points in the domain decomposition format (see extract_points_dd())


  • points (torch.tensor) - Coordinates of the extracted points.

  • normals (torch.tensor) - Coordinates of the boundary outward vectors at the points locations.

  • bc_idxs (torch.tensor) - Type of BC at the corresponding points.

  • bc_values (torch.tensor) - Assigned BC value at the corresponding points.


Verifies whether some coordinates are inside or outside the boundary. It employs the ‘ray casting algorithm’.


points (torch.tensor) – Batch of points to inspect.


inside (torch.tensor) - For each input point, True if it is inside and False if it outside.


This function is called internally to adjust the sign of the normals to the boundary. It auto-detects if the normals are inward and make them outward.


Checks if boundary is formed by a well-defined closed loop, throws a warning otherwise.